
Livestock Mortality Insurance
It doesn't matter if it is show stock or breeding stock, AgriPeril can cover just one animal or the whole herd! Through our livestock mortality policies AgriPeril works with its trusted and reputable carriers to help cover you in event of loss. Our mortality insurance policies offer better coverage than what can be found in a traditional farm liability policy and the flexibility to cover your livestock while on the road from show to show. We can also transit, frozen embryo and semen tanks (contents of tank only), and specified perils. If you are looking for to insure a particular species that is not listed please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the screen and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Premium is calculated as a rate of value and can be found below. If you have any specific questions feel free to reach out to Reed Burres our livestock specialist via email at reed@agriperil.com or call him at 515-570-8547.
15 days to 49 days of age, Vet Certification required 12.00%
50 days of age to 90 days of age, Vet Certification required 9.50%
Cows & Heifers: 91 days of age to 4 years of age 7.00%
Bulls: Cows & Heifers: 91 days of age to 4 years of age 7.70%
Show Steers: 15% with $10,000 maximum
$250,000 maximum value​
(60 days of age to 4 years of age) $50,000 maximum value
60 days to 6 months of age and/or show animals 16.50%
6 months to 4 years of age (breeding animals, non-show) 13.25%
60 days of age to 4 years of age $50,000 maximum value
60 days to 6 months of age and/or show animals 16.50%
6 months to 4 years of age (breeding animals, non-show) 13.25%
(60 days of age to 4 years of age) $50,000 maximum value
60 days to 6 months of age and/or show animals 16.50%
6 months to 4 years of age(breeding animals, non-show) 13.25%
Working Dogs - 6 months to 8 years of age (female breeding/welping excluded) 7.00%
Female Working Dogs, no breeding exclusion - 6 months to 8 years of age 9.00%
Accident, Sickness, & Disease Infertility:
Bulls - Up to 7 years of age - Stud Collection Only - No Live Cover Breeding
(BSE & Veterinarian Certification Required) 2% of Value
Rams & Bucks - Up to 4 Years of Age, Veterinarian Certification Required
(Rams must be tested, B. Ovis negative) 2.5% of Value
Alpacas - Up to 12 years of age, Veterinarian Certification Required - 1.0% of Value
Single Trip Transit Coverage
Up to 250 Miles 0.50%
251 miles to 500 miles 0.75%
501 miles to 1000 miles 1.15%
1001 miles to 1500 miles 1.50%
1501 miles or more 2.00%
Frozen Semen and Embryo Endorsement (Contents of tank only)
Storage 1.50%
Transit 1.50%
Herd Discount:
Full Mortality schedules with five or more animals and a total sum insured of $100,000 or more are eligible for discounted rates.
Exotic Species:
Please Inquiry